PBS Eons Teaches Nonsense about Evolution

As an anti-Darwinist, who has criticized evolutionists about the details of their own theory I have tapered off over the years because of the futility of it. The latest PBS series “Eons” though is so bad, I simply can’t resist.

Today’s kids do not go to the local bookstore or library to find out things or to look for further information from something they saw online. Today, it will be online via Google, Wikipedia, or YouTube. We all know that you cannot trust Wikipedia- mainstream academia does not consider it a legitimate source of factual information anymore. As bad as YouTube, is there are some professional science channels on YouTube. If your kid likes science, they will certainly know about channels like Vsaucei and AsapScienceii, which have many millions of subscribers. For paleobiology information, one of the most popular channels is PBS Eonsiii with more than 900,000 subscribers.

PBS Eons published Episode 46 of Season 1 in the summer of 2018, “When Fish First Breathed Air iv.” This flawed video has amassed a staggering 805,000 views. When I first watched it, I was somewhat surprised, if not shocked. At 5:50-6:05 into the video, they claim as the central thesis that lungs evolved from the fish swim bladder. This is such a stupid error I foolishly thought it would be corrected with critical remarks by educated viewers. A year has passed and nothing has been changed in the video. So I guess an intelligent knowledgeable Darwin critic (such as myself) needs to point out the error.

Modern evolutionary biology actually says something different about lung origins. Now you must remember I am a Young Earth Creationist, but I will use the Million Years Age evolutionists flawed time scale just to prove where they are making their mistakes. So where do we start?

Evolutionary biologists generally believe that the swim bladder and lungs are considered to be similar, both having derived from an out pocketing of the gut (Perry et al. 2001vi, Longo et al. 2013vii). Contrary to the erroneous beliefs of Charles Darwin, lungs are no longer considered to have evolved from the swim bladder by most knowledgeable paleontologists. Actually, because of the different ontogenetic (the development of an individual organism or anatomical or behavioral feature from the earliest stage to maturity) origins of lungs as a paired ventral and the swim bladder as an unpaired dorsal out pocketing of the gut, even their homology (the state of having the same or similar relation, relative position, or structure) is questionable (Daniels et al. 2004viii).

Paired lungs are present not only in virtually all land vertebrates as well as lobe-finned fish like the lungfish, but also in primitive ray-finned fish like the reedfish and bishirs (Polypteriformes) (Icardo et al. 2017ix). They are generally considered to belong to the common physiology of bony fish in general. Another group of lobe-finned fish, the coelacanths xi, has a vestigial lung and a so-called “fatty organ” that may correspond to the other half of a paired lung (Lambertz 2017xii), but coelacanths possess no swim bladder.

Currently the more primitive sharks and rays lack lungs as well as swim bladders. Swim bladders are restricted to ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii), and are thus considered as a uniquely derived character within this group, apart from the most basal and relictual order Polypteriformes mentioned above (Hughes et al. 2018xiii). The PBS video claims at timecode 6:02-6:06 that ancestors of early tetrapods like Tiktaalik and Ichthyostega probably had a swim bladder. That can easily be described as complete rubbish.

It gets worse when PBS makes up a completely idiotic scenario where the swim bladder allegedly became bigger in some lobe-finned fish. It then developed more blood vessels, and in time transformed that air bladder from a hydrostatic organ into a respiratory organ. This then split into a paired lung in bichirs and lungfish. It is not and has not been proposed by any evolutionary biologist that I have been able to research!

According to evolutionary biologists own time-frames, lungs simply could not have evolved from the swim bladder. The reason why? Lungs predate the origin of the swim bladder, while the latter only appears as a parallel development in a subgroup of bony fish that has the lungs secondarily reduced. As an alternative, the lungs and swim bladder might have both evolved from the primitive lungs of a common ancestor of lobe-finned and ray-finned fish (Tatsumi et al. 2016). This would be the exact reverse of the PBS fantasy scenario.

Could PBS and their editors and research assistants be excused on the grounds that this is all brand-new research that they simply did not know about? I don’t think so. I learned all of the above at Phoenix Community College nearly 25 years ago. We even discussed the “urban legend” that lungs evolved from the swim bladder.

PBS Eons advertises itself (at their Patreon fundraising site) as being “devoted to making sure our content is of the highest possible quality, and that takes a lot of time and resources.” From a self-proclaimed high-class educational program, such idiotic errors are pretty much intolerable. I have taken a look at some of the other programs and have found a number of errors in them, and I will discuss them in future posts.

iiihttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzR-rom72PHN9Zg7RML9EbA Notice that these three web sites seem to be made from the same pattern.

vAn outward growth or movement of part of a surface so as to form a pocket-like or sac-like cavity

xOsteichthyes, popularly referred to as the bony fish, is a diverse taxonomic group of fish that have skeletons primarily composed of bone tissue, as opposed to cartilage.

xia large, bony marine fish with a three-lobed tail fin and fleshy pectoral fins. It is thought to be related to the ancestors of land vertebrates and was known only from fossils until one was found alive in 1938

One thought on “PBS Eons Teaches Nonsense about Evolution

  1. you cannot trust Wikipedia- mainstream academia does not consider it a legitimate source of factual information anymore.//////////////////////////////////// Mainstream academia is just as bad as PBS Eons. I find Wikipedia very informative. It irritates me when people demean it.

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